Now Recruiting Agents

FREE Fully-Compliant Cash Discount Program

TOP AGENTS are flocking to our Cash Discount Solution that yields 3X Profit!! We have the exclusive deal with DuoPricing™ software.

There are two faces to Cash Discount.

OLD WAY: Takes the Cash Price and adds a service fee  (4% is common)  to cover interchange and processing – this becomes the Credit Card Price. The 4% service fee is shown on receipt, creating negative customer reactions. This is not in compliance. 

DUO WAY: Takes the Credit Card Price and creates a Cash Price based on the discount the merchant wants to give cash customers. This is the Compliant version of Cash Discount. There is no service fee listed on receipt.

SIGNAGE: Both versions must display signage that there is a cash discount.  

Your merchants key in their products online in the DuoPriceList Software App. It displays both sets of pricing. Customers can view the cash & card pricing list online, accessed through a URL and/or QR Code by phone. Merchants can print labels from DuoPricing™ that can be placed on goods, showing both sets of pricing.

+ the facts about cash discount

Cash Discount is a “Dual Pricing” discount program that gives merchants the opportunity to offset their credit card processing fees by offering a “discount” for customers who use cash

Non-MBN merchants have to paymonthly fee for access to the DuoPricingprogram... MBNCard Merchants get it for FREE.

The problem with other solutions is that on the receipt, they have a “service fee” listed, which has prompted investigations from Visa, MasterCard and other brands on allegations of surcharging (which is illegal in most states).

MBN has an exclusive partnership with DuoPricing™ Software. Merchants can have a fully-compliant Cash Discount program that is easy to integrate with NO service fee line item on the receipt!

+ what makes Cash Discount compliant?

The convenience fee and cash discount models are now being aggressively targeted by Visa & MasterCard and other card brands under allegations of surcharging, which is illegal in some states. It’s a lengthy process for approval directly with card associations, and is restrictive in what cards you can accept.

DuoPricing™ Software answers this challenge by following the explicit rules from the card associations, designing a fast online solution that is easy for your Merchants to implement. 

In order for a Cash Discount program to be compliant, Merchants must make available to the customer both sets of pricing which must be displayed – or – available on a list

With DuoPricingSoftware, we create a personalized web page for each participating Merchant that displays the Dual Pricing List required to be in compliance. They can print out their list(s) and get QR Codes to display in their store for customers to easily access the list(s), should they desire to. 

+ what steps must merchants follow to participate?

Merchants sign up with DuoPricingthrough you, their Agent

Merchants key in their PRODUCTS + PRICING and activate their price list(s) on the Duo website.

Merchants print DUAL PRICING signage from their activated price lists in their account on DuoPriceList website.

Merchants display DUAL PRICING signage throughout their store.

+ how do Agents sign up for Duo?

Agents/ISOs who want to sign up with MBNCard and access DuoPricing™ FREE can contact [email protected]

Agents/ISOs that are interested in DuoPricing Software can email [email protected].

+ other benefits of becoming a MBNCard Agent/ISO

Partner Agreements with options from:

High Residual Splits

Upfront Bonuses

FREE Equipment Programs

In-House Underwriting, Deployment & 24/7 Customer Support

Designated Agent Support


For questions or immediate assistance with Duo Cash Discount, email: [email protected]

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Swipe Simple Logo
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Clover Flex Mobile
Clover Mini

Dejavoo Z9, Z8 & Z11

SwipeSimple B200 & B250
PAX A80 & A920
and Online Virtual Terminal

Charge Anywhere Chipper,
Q1 & Q2 Mobile Terminals
and Online Terminal

The Clover name and logo are owned by Clover Network, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of First Data corporation, and are registered or used in the U.S. and many foreign countries.

The DuoPricing™ Cash Discount Software – U.S. Patent No. 12,112,346.

MBNCard, Inc. is a registered ISO of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., Concord, CA.

MBNCard, Inc. is a registered ISO/SP of Westamerica Bank, Santa Rosa, CA

MBNCard, Inc. is a registered ISO/SP of Esquire Bank NA, Jericho, NY.